Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wisconsin - Eau Claire

Left Milwaukee around 6:00am to get out of the freeway system. It was a dog's breakfast, as a couple of on-ramps had been closed due to roadworks and we had to navigate around city detours in order to find the right route out of the city! I have decided that my pet hate/frustration on the road in the USA is now officially road works (back home in NZ it is camper vans that refuse to pull over to let faster traffic pass)!

We eventually found our way on to 94 West and while the traffic was getting more dense, we managed to miss the worst of the bumper -to-bumper stuff. It was a cool overcast morning and very pleasant for riding. Wisconsin seems to be very green and lush. It reminds me a lot of the West Coast bush back home.

We pulled off the interstate at Lake Mills for breakfast and again at Lake Delton for fuel. There seemed to be mile after mile of road works! At one stage there was 8 miles of a two lane interstate reduced to one lane with no sign of any construction happening (except for a solitary Dodge pickup slowly cruising in the closed lane with a light flashing!).

The day was getting warmer as the sun came out and was quite humid (89f or 32c). We stopped to take our jackets off and continued to Osseso for lunch.

After about 4 hours of actual riding time and 460 km's we pulled into Eau Claire (french for 'clear water' after the river here) just after 1:00pm and found a motel.

We seem to be riding a lot of interstate highway at the moment, but we are counting down the days to the Sturgis Rally (11th August) in South Dakota and we want to visit 2 more National Parks before then - so we will push on north again tomorrow!

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